Air 1 Lavalier Microphone Windshield from DPA
New! (April 2024) DPA announce their new line of miniature windshields
Now I know what you're thinking "Oh great, just what the world's been waiting for - another range of furry windshielding products!" And you're probably also wondering about how they can possibly be diferent from all the other lavalier microphone windshields on the market - well here's the thing, DPA have obviously put their thinking caps on and taken a new approach to the perennial problem of how to produce clean recordings with miniature microphones outdoors.
Quick and Easy to fit
The internal plastic construction is designed to be very easy to use even in the less than ideal conditions you often have to work in. Two handles operate a sprung clasp which securely grips the microphone. This arrangement not only makes it easy to fit on to the mic but also enables each Air 1 to grip a greater range of microphone sizes. So there are only Small and Large versions which between them are suitable for most popular professional lav mics.
For microphones with a diameter of 2.5 to 4.3mm use Air 1 Small.
For microphones with a diameter of 4.3 to 5.8mm use Air 1 Large.
Air 1 Small is suitable for all of these microphones:-
DPA 6060/61, Countryman B3, B6, Sennheiser MKE1, Sanken COS11, Sony ECM-90, DPA 6066 headset, Sennheiser SL Headmic and Countryman H6
Air 1 Large is suitable for all of these microphones:-
DPA 4060/61/62/63, 4071, 4660/61, Sennheiser MKE 2, Sony ECM77B, Shure Twinplex, DPA 4066, 4266, 4466 headsets, Sennheiser HSP 2, HSP Essential Omni and Shure Twinplex TH53.
Wind Protection x 2
Air 1 has two levels of wind protection - firstly DPA's newly designed accoustic fur (synthetic btw) is long enough and dense enough for the windscreen to be rather smaller than others without sacrificing effectiveness. And secondly, the "arches" keep the fur spaced away from the mic maintaining a constant air gap. and there is a mic stop to make sure that your expensive lavalier is always in the most protected part of the windshield. The accoustic sweet spot!
Built in Boundary Surface
All accoustic fur has some effect on the recorded sound as it slightly attenuates some frequencies. Air 1 makes use of the well known boundary layer effect to recover some of those lost frequencies and deliver intelligibe speech recordings.